Local authorities
Tesorería Municipal
date on note | series | from | to | total number |
total value |
5c | 24 March 1915 | unnumbered | |||||
10 September 1915 | B | includes number 1516 |
Ayuntamiento de Juxtlahuaca
We know of a 2c[image needed] black on cream pasteboard and a 20c[image needed] green on cream pasteboard, both dated June 1915.
Tesorería Provisional
from | to | total number |
total value |
20c | |||||
25c |
Ayuntamiento de Zaachila
Zaachila is a town 16 kilometres south of Oaxaca. The town council issued a series of notes (3c, 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c) in May 1915.
As well as two handstamps the notes have the printed name '[ ]quilino Pérez Velasco'.