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Banco de Londres y México drawn on the Banco Nacional de México

Londres on Nacional 1

Londres on Nacional 1 reverse

Londres on Nacional 5

Londres on Nacional 5 reverse

Londres on Nacional 10

Londres on Nacional 20

A report dated 31 August 1914AMS, fondo Presidencia Municipal, caja 157/1, legajo 34, exp. 7. No figure is given for the $1 note: the actual figure for $5 is 100, but this is surely a mistake., when corrected, gives the following details:

Date on note Denom Series from to total
7 October 1913 $1 A 1 10000 10,000 $10,000 includes numbers 4197 to 8043
$5 A 1 10000 10,000 50,000 includes numbers 2929 to 9284
$10 A 1 10000 10,000 100,000 includes numbers 8119 to 9717
$20 A 1 5000 5,000 100,000 includes number 4127

 These notes have two signatures on the face and occasionally a third on the reverse. The three signatories are:

José R. Castro was already working for the bank by October 1907 when he was promoted to contador to replace Ignacio Malo Best who had been made manager of the Monterrey branchLa Patria, Año XXI, Núm. 9,250, 23 October 1907. He was stated to be the manager in August 1909El Tiempo, Año XXVII, Núm. 8,646, 26 August 1909 but was contador in 1913{?). sig JR
Javier D. de León[positive identification needed] was cajero in 1908.

sig Londres1
 Luis Arellano[positive identification needed] was ayudante del cajero in 1908. sig Londres2