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Teocelo de Díaz

Veracruz Teocelo de DiazTeocelo is located 20 kilometres from Jalapa and is bordered by Ixhuacán, Xico and Coatepec.

In 1898 it received the title of city and the name Teocelo de Díaz but by decree of 15 October 1914 the city’s name was changed to Teocelo (a change not reflected on these notes).

Several different private issues, mostly for 50c, have survived. They claim that they were to address an issue of short change and were to be exchanged only for banknotes in multiples of five pesos (ESTOS VALES SUPLEN AL NUMERARIO; POR CONSIGUIENTE SOLO SERAN CAMBIADOS POR BILLETES DE BANCO NO MENORES DE CINCO PESOS). Later issues, in 1915, have an additional rubric ‘Estos vales son puramente transitorios y solo para las necesidades de Teocolo’.

La Ciudad de México

A store owned by Francisco J. Vanda issued 50c note, dated 20 June 1914.

Ciudad de Mexico 50c

  date on note from to total
50c 20 June 1914         includes numbers 91CNBanxico #12318 to 914


Francisco J. Vanda sig Vanda


This must have had official authorization[text needed] as it was exempted from the requirement to carry revenue stamps (SIN TIMBRES POR DECRETO DEL GOBIERNO), unless this was just a reference to article 246 of the Ley de la Renta Federal del timbre.

We also know of a 2c vale.

Ciudad de Mexico 2c

Vicente Sánchez Rebolledo y Hermano

Vicente Sánchez Rebolledo owned the Hacienda Santa Rosa in Teocelo, which, at 2,500 hectares, was one of the largest farms in Veracruz at the time. The company, Vicente Sánchez Rebolledo y Hermano, issued several series of 50c and $1 notes.

Rebolledo 50c B2

Rebolledo 50c B2 reverse

Rebolledo 50c B11

Rebolledo 50c B11 reverse

Rebolledo 50c C11

Rebolledo 1

Rebolledo 1 reverse

  date on note Series from to total
50c 9 May 1914 B-2  0001       includes number 0072
8  August 1914 B-11         includes number 940
23 January 1915 B-2          
B-9         includes number 351CNBanxico #12319
B-15         includes number 133
24 January 1915 C-11         includes number 0643
$1 8 April 1914 A         includes number 298
16 January 1915 A-2         includes number 0323


These had the signatures of Manuel Sánchez Rebollado and S[  ] Brach[  ][identification needed].

Manuel Sánchez Rebolledo was Vicente’s brother. He was born in Teocelo on 21 December 1882 and died in Mexico City on 10 December 1964.

By 1940 Manuel and his wife, María Enriqueta Bravo de Sánchez, owned the Hacienda Santa Rosa. Under President Cárdenas’ land program 1,000 hectares was distributed amongst local peasants and indigenous people, and on the basis of some of the impacts of the program  Manuel and his wife decided to distribute their land even further, sharing it amongst relatives and selling portions on to neighbours. In 1974, with a much smaller portion of land remaining, Enriqueta constituted the farm as a limited society under the new name “Santa Rosa Teocelo”. From that day onward, the land has been primarily dedicated to coffee production.

sig Rebolledo 1
S[  ] Brach[  ][identification needed] sig Rebolledo 2


These were printed by the Tipografía El Siglo XX in Teocelo. Some of these notes had revenue stamps whilst others were overstamped 'SIN TIMBRES POR DECRETO DE GOBIERNO'. either because they had been excused the payment or because they had paid but no stamps were available.

 Luis Cabrera Rebolledo

Cabrera 50c

  series from to total
50c A         includes numbers 1864 and 2877CNBanxico #12320


We know of a 50c note dated 25 February 1915.

Luis Cabrera Rebolledo owned a coffee mill (beneficio de café) popularly known as "La Maquinaria". He also set up a banking houseThe cajero was Manuel Montalvo and contador Raymundo Morales (on the corner of calle Abasolo and calle Independencia) which provided loans to coffee producers. He lived on calle de San Luis (today calle Benito Juárez) in a house that was destroyed by earthquake on 3 January 1920 which killed his wife and children. sig Luis Cabrera

María Antonia M. Vda. de Soto

de Soto 50c

  date on note series from to total
50c  15 May 1915 A         includes number 0286


These had the signature of Bernarda Soto, per pro María Antonia M. de Soto.

Bernarda Soto Mercado was the daughter of María Antonia Mercado de SotoEl Imparcial, 20 December 1909. sig Soto


Darío Méndez Sánchez

Mendez 1c


Miguel Andrade

Monte Blanco is a small town to the east of Teocelo.

Andrade 2c

Andrade 50c

  date on note from to total
50c [ ]0 March 1915         includes numbers 212CNBanxico #12312 and 282


These have the signatures of Miguel Andrade and Erasmo Andrade.

Miguel Andrade

Andrade had been the cacique of Monte Blanco during the Porfiriato, had been on the verge of being dispossessed but by 1912 had “captured the sympathies and support of Francisco Muñoz, the Presidente Municipal of Teocelo, and a member of the town council” and continued to “dispose at will of lives, honours and estates”. The parents of children at the hacienda’s school had asked the governor to remove Andrade but Andrade was in turn trying to get the school’s teacher sackedLa Opiníon, 27 May 1912.

sig Andrade
Erasmo Andrade sig Andrade 2