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The $1 and $2 notes

After Huerta in November 1913 changed the Ley General to allow banks to issue notes in denominations below five pesos the Banco de Querétaro had $1 and $2 notes printed by the American Book and Printing Company in Mexico City.

$1 notes Queretaro 1 C 185500

Queretaro 1 C 185500 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Gerente Consejero code comment
  1 January 1914 A     del Villar   García   includes numbers 14290CNBanxico #5968 to 57877CNBanxico #5970
22 April 1914acta núm 1, 22 April 1914 AGN, SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 84, libro 238   100001 120000        
  15 February 1914 B     Gibson Calvo   includes numbers 060418 to 067699
          includes numbers 79693CNBanxico #5961 to 118827CNBanxico #5963
1 June 1914acta núm 11, 1 June 1914 AGN, SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 84, libro 238  15 April 1914 C 120001 220000 Camacho VH2 includes numbers 130282CNBanxico #5955 to 217684CNBanxico #5972


$2 notes Queretaro 2 B 020416

Queretaro 2 B 020416 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Gerente Consejero code comment
  1 January 1914 A     del Villar        
  15 February 1914 B     del Villar Gibson García    includes numbers 020416 to 022944CNBanxico #5976
22 April 1914acta núm 1, 22 April 1914 AGN, SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 84, libro 238   030001  040000   includes number 033843CNBanxico #11931


The bank also ordered a new batch of notes from the American Bank Company in April 1914 but then cancelled the order.

On 15 January 1915 in its Mexico City offices. in the presence of representatives from the Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público and the Comisión Monetaria the bank incinerated 33,470 notes with a total value of $134.075. These included 12,865 unnumbered $1 and 10,605 unnumbered $2 notesAGN SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 84, libro 231