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Signatories of the Banco de Tamaulipas


Andreas Pfeiffer was born in Mollis, in the canton of Glaris, Switzerland, around 1860 and at some time migrated to Mexico. By 1886 he was working for the casa Esteban Benecke Sucesores at calle Capuchinas 7, Mexico City. In April 1887 he took over the duties of consul of Guatamala, temporarily, from Donato de Chapeaurouge. In October 1895 he was in charge of the orderly liquidation of Esteban Benecke SucesoresThe Mexican Herald, 16 October 1895. In October 1897 he became cajero y contador of the Banco de San Luis Potosí. Afterwards and until 1 May 1903 he was manager of the Banco de Tamaulipas. He was then manager of the branch of the Banco de Sonora in Chihuahua until 17 August 1906. He was manager of the Chihuahua branch of Villa's Banco del Estado de Chihuahua in 1914 but by February 1916 had disappeared (the Swiss consulate and Chihuahua authorities issued a request for information about his wheraboutsEl Pueblo, 16 February 1916; Periodico Oficial, Chihuahua, 11 March 1916).

He signed notes dated 1902.

sig Pfeiffer

Arnulfo J. Basáñez

Basáñez took over as manager on 15 July 1903Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito, correspondiente al año 1903

He signed $10, $20 and $500 notes dated 15 July 1903.


The Frenchman Pedro Assemat ran J. Prom. Sucs., a firm dedicated to wholesale/retail trade and commissions. He owned "El Ferrocarril", a multi-departmental warehouse that sold groceries and items for sumptuous consumption, such as porcelain, glassware, wines, spirits and preserves of French origin and Mexican products. He also represented the Cie Generale Atlantique, whose merchant and passenger ships made monthly voyages between Spain, France, Cuba, Mexico and the United States. He invested in various businesses, speculated in petrol-bearing land, and was a member of Companía Harinera del Golfo, S. A. and five oil companiesPánuco Topila Petroleum, Hispano-Mexicana, Tampico y Amatlán; S. A., La Herradura, S. A. and Los Perforadores. In the last he was associated with the German Ricardo Eversbuch, among others (Boletín de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio de Tampico, 1 January 1913).

Assémat signed $5, $50 and $500 notes dated 15 July 1903 and then all the notes up to 1914.

sig Assimiot


Felipe González signed the bank's first notes dated 1902 and 1903.

Gonzalez died in Monterrey, Nuevo León on 5 February 1910CEHM, Fondo CDLIV Colección José Y. Limantour, 2a. 1910, carpeta 14, legajo 27.

sig Gonzalez

Benito Zorrilla CastillaBenito Zorrilla Castilla took over as Interventor on Felipe González' death and signed the notes dated 1910.

He was born  on 22 January 1869 and died in Tampico on 12 March 1939.

sig Zorrilla

Francisco Olivares

He signed the notes dated 1911.

sig Olivares

Juan Hermosillo was a steamship agent.

He signed the notes dated 1913 and 1914.

sig Interventor d


José María Raz 

He signed notes dated 1902 and 1903.

sig Raz

Tomás J. Ugarte

Tomás Ugarte, a Spaniard, was also a landowner, owing the haciendas of Peñitas and of Diego de la Lastra y Compañía, in Alamitos.

He signed notes dated 1902 and 1903.

sig Ugarte

Jerónimo J. Bergan, a German, represented the firm Federico Stussy Sucs.

On 1 January 1909 his company, Bergan y Saltzkorn, joined with Carl Heynen y Co. to form the Agencia Comercial y Marítima Bergan, Heynen & Cia.Diario Oficial, 14 January 1909.

He signed notes dated 1902 and 1903.

sig Bergan

Juan José Castaños was a prominent member of the Spanish group that had established itself in Tula since the middle of the 19th century. He was born in Entrambasaguas, Spain in 1848. By the 1890s he had sufficient resources to begin acquiring land in the municipality of Miquihuana.

Castaños owned four haciendas: Palos Blancos, in Bustamante, whose production was mainly of corn, lechuguilla, palm and espadín; de la Perdida, in Miquihuana, which produced lechuguilla; de la Pena, also in Miquihuana, but dedicated to the exploitation of wood; and del Tigre, in Ocampo, which generated mainly corn, rice, beans, chickpeas and sugar cane.
Castaños and José Gándara would form the firm José Gándara S. C., of commission merchants ADIIH, BT, Caja 3, letter José Gándara, Cerritos, San Luis Potosí, to Banco de Tamaulipas, Tampico, 3 January 1909.

In 1890, Castaños owned the Las Dos Banderas store, selling clothes, groceries and all kinds of national and imported products

Castaños was the second largest shareholder with 60,000 shares (after the Banco Central Mexicano with 100,000). He signed notes dated 1902 and 1903.

He died in 1908.

sig Castaños

Angel Sainz Trápaga was the son of Ángel Sáinz-Trápaga Gutiérrez de la Garmilla. The latter was born in 1833 in Lavín de Lobos, Santander, Spain. The family business suffered from a prolonged drought and the Sainz Trápaga brothers went to the Americas in search of a better life. Manuel went to Cuba where he amassed a fortune and moved to Tampico, where he awaited the other three brothers, Víctor, Gregorio and Angel. Angel arrived in Tampico at the age of thirteen, worked alongside his brothers in various businesses and then moved into making high interest loans to other businessmen and was the major lender until the formation of the Banco de Tamaulipas. Angel married in 1870 and his wife’s dowry allowed him to increase his company’s capital.

His son, Angel Sainz Trápaga y Zalvidea, was born in 1871. In 1880, Angel took complete control of Trápaga y Cía. and began a dizzying business career, became the leading businessman in Tampico, owning various mercantile establishments and dozens of urban and rural properties.

In 1899 Angel bought the Naranjo hacienda in Quintero (today Mante), Tamaulipas, which he gave as a wedding gift to his daughter Joaquina Trápaga Salvídea when she married Gerardo Meade, from San Luis Potosi. Naranjo had oil deposits which led Joaquina and her husband to become prosperous oil producers. Angel also ventured into the oil sector with the purchase of shares in the Compañía Petróleo México y España, S.A.; Compañía de la Dos Estrellas, S.A.; El Fénix; and Productora de Petróleo, S.A.

He died in 1923.

He signed notes dated from 1902 to 1914.

sig Trapaga

Guillermo Obregón Cortina was born in Mexico City on 12 July 1858. He was a lawyer who acted as abogado for this bank and abogado consultor for the Banco de Querétaro.

He was diputado suplente for Veracruz in 1898 and for Tabasco in 1898 and 1900, and diputado propietario for Veracruz in 1900, 1904, 1908 and 1910.

He died in Mexico City in 1928 at the age of 70.

His daughter, Guadalupe, is the child who appears on the $10 Banco de Querétaro and the $5 Banco de Tamaulipas. His son, Guillermo, married the daughter of Ramón Corral, Díaz’s vice-president.

He signed notes dated from 1902 to 1914.

Incidentally, in 1904, Obregón was trying to put together a collection of all the bank notes of MexicoABNC, folder 155, Banco Minero (1903(May)-1908(Dec))(.

sig Obregon

Carlos (Karl) Heynen was a prominent German businessman, involved in shipping and imports. In January 1896 he was Gerente General of the Agencia Comercial y Marítima of Tampico, and in August 1899 agent of the Munson steam line.

In 1897 Heynen, Gustave Paterson, C. Ganahl and Santiago Snell founded the Agencia Comercial y Marítima Heynen, Paterson y Compañía, with a capital of $5,000AGNET, Notario Ricardo López y Parra Tampico, 5 January 1897. On 1 January 1909 Carl Heynen y Cía. joined with Bergan y Saltzkorn to form the Agencia Comercial y Marítima Bergan, Heynen & Cia.Diario Oficial, 14 January 1909 (also called Heynen, Eversbuch y Cía.) which by 1917 had a share capital of $100,000 AGNET, Protocolo de Ricardo López y Parra. Tampico. 13 April 1917. These agencies played an important role in the handling, storage and transportation of goods.

Heynen served as consul for Austro-Hungary and vice consul for the Netherlands and Chile.

He signed notes dated from 1902 to 1914.

sig Heynan

D. L. Raz

He signed notes dated 1910.

sig Row

[   ] Zorrilla

He signed notes dated 1910.

sig consejero Zorrilla

Pafnuncio PadillaPafnuncio Padilla Barragán was born in Montemorelos, Nuevo León.

Pafnuncio Padilla became a consejero of the Confederación de Cámaras Nacionales de Comercio in 1919 and was its president from 1921 to 1924.

He signed notes dated 1910.

sig Padilla

Juan B. Borde

J & F. Borde ran the "Mercería Nueva", a haberdashery and hardware store (mercería y ferretería) in 1910.

He signed notes dated 1910. He died in [  ] and was replaced at the bank’s AGM on 7 February 1912Diario Oficial, 26 February 1912.

sig Juan

Juan Amoravieta was a Spaniard who, as a member of Cruz y Amoravieta, owned “Los Precios de Francia”, a clothing store.

Juan Amoravieta was one of the owners of the Compañía de Fuerza Eléctrica de Tampico, alongside Amado N. JáureguiOthers were Pablo Saltzkom, Tomás Manteca and Nicolás del Campo (AGNET, notario Ricardo López y Parra, Tampico, 26 September 1906).

He signed notes dated from 1910 to 1914.

sig Amoravieta

Amado N. Jáuregui owned the San Gabriel and El Progreso haciendas. He was one of the owners of the Compañía de Fuerza Eléctrica de Tampico, alongside Juan AmoravietaAGNET, notario Ricardo López y Parra, Tampico, 26 Septrember 1906).

He signed notes dated from 1910 to 1914.

sig Jauregui

Ricardo Eversbusch

Ricardo Everbusch was president of the Cámara Nacional de Comercio de Tampico in 1888.

In January 1908 he became an active partner in Guillermo Büsing y CíaDiario Oficial, 6 January 1908and was still with the company five years later when it became Guillermo Büsing y Cía, Sucs.Diario Oficial, 4 January 1913. Together with Jerónimo J. Bergan and Carlos Heynen he formed the Agencia Comercial y Maritima Bergan, Heynen & Cia in January 1909Diario Oficial, 14 January 1909.

He signed notes dated from 1910 to 1914.

sig Richard
[identification needed] sig A