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$100 Banco Minero note (1888-1912)

Minero 100 N 3443

Minero 100 N 3443 reverse

Date of issueDate on noteSerfromtoGerentePresidente/
26 June 1889 1888 A 1 500 E. Creel  Ochoa  Granados 105  
10 Oct 1895 501 1000 Cuellar    
1 November 1897 1897 B 0001 0100 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar 123 A A 321 includes number 0010CNBanxico #15084 
0101 0200 234 B B 342  
0201 0300 345 C C 543 includes number 0285CNBanxico #7552
0301 0400 456 D D 654 includes number 0350CNBanxico #15101 overprinted GOMEZ PALACIO
0401 0500 567 E E 765 includes number 0410CNBanxico #15085
0501 0600 678 F F 876  
0601 0700 789 G G 987  
0701 0800 890 H H 098 includes number 0787CNBanxico #254
0801 0900 901 I I 109 includes number 0867CNBanxico #15086
0901 1000 012 J J 210  
21 Feb 1898 13 May 1898 / 1898 C 1 500 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar GP 22 VY 33  
JM 26 DB 45
31 May 1899 3 March 1899 / 1899 D 1 1000 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar 425 I V 975 includes number 0275CNBanxico #15098 
30 Aug 1899 11 November 1899 1001 1500 404 O R 836 includes number 1084CNBanxico #15102
before 1 Jul 1900   1501 2000    
3 July 1901 11 July 1901 / 1901 E 0001 0500 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar D 500 H 325 includes number 0161CNBanxico #15110 
16 July 1901 26 July 1901 / 1901 0501   H 175 571 H includes number 0627
R 155 888 E includes number 0770CNBanxico #15112
includes number 0785CNBanxico #15103 overprinted GOMEZ PALACIO
  1000 D 178 125 X includes number 0815CNBanxico #15109
1 Aug 1901 1902 F 0001 0100 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar 137EFG  
G 0101 0200 216HPR  
H 0201 0300    
I 0301 0400 892BZX  
J 0401 0500 763ERT  
K 0501 0600 358FHX  
L 0601 0700    
M 0701 0800    
N 0801 0900 994GRO  
O 0901 1000 258SLM  
13 Jan 1903 17 February 1903 / 1902 P 1001 1100 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar 617RLZ  
Q 1101 1200 518AEX  
R 1201 1300 385XZH  
S 1301 1400    
T 1401 1500    
U 1501 1600 482MKA  
V 1601 1700 573ECC  
W 1701 1800 222BDE  
X 1801 1900 528RKH   
  Y 1901 2000          
3 March 1903 /1903 Z 2001 2100 E. Creel  Ochoa  Cueller   
131FJO includes numbers 2052CNBanxico #15231 and 2082CNBanxico #15232 overprinted Hermosillo
A1 2101 2200    
B2 2201 2300    
C3 2301 2400 128BBB overprinted Hermosillo
D4 2402 2500    
E5 2501 2600 209AHX includes number 2526CNBanxico #15986 overprinted Hermosillo   
F6 2601 2700 702XWX includes number 2619CNBanxico #15985 overprinted Hermosillo   
G7 2701 2800 270VHF includes number 2746CNBanxico #15234 overprinted Hermosillo  
H8 2801 2900 486R6T includes number 2846CNBanxico #15233 overprinted Hermosillo  
I9 2901 3000 576FLN includes number 2936CNBanxico #15983 overprinted Hermosillo   
22 Mar 1907 20 February 1907 / 1903  A 1 250 J. A .Creel Ochoa Cuellar OZ725V  
B 251 500 GM589R  
26 Aug 1907 26 August 1907 / 1907 / 1903  C 501 750 J. A. Creel
D 751 1000    
24 Dec 1908 24 December 1908 / 1908 / 1903    E 1001 1250 J. A. Creel
Ochoa    Cuellar    FT154N  
F 1251 1500 CM412B  
G 1501 1750 EC673A  
H 1751 2000 BU867D  
18 June 1909 14 April 1909 / 1909 / 1903  I 2001 2250 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar IR996Z   
J 2251 2500 JW132L   
21 Feb 1910 27 January 1910 / 1910 K 2501 2750 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar CW438Z 13 January 1910  
L 2751 3000 PD174X
M 3001 3250 OK945A
N 3251 3500 MB387G
16 Jan 1913 5 December 1911 / 1912 O 3501 3750 J. A .Creel Falomir Aguirre H. JF561B 21 March 1911
P 3751 4000 LT298S
Q 4001 4250 EC134P
R 4251 4500 VW456U


Banco Minero 100 B 0350
overprinted 'GOMEZ PALACIO'

Banco Minero 100 F6 2619
overprinted 'Hermosillo'

After the 1908 robbery the bank recalled its $100 notes and revalidated them.

Banco Minero 100 B 0113
a $100 note revalidated on 1 June 1908

Banco Minero 100 G7 2761 HERMOSILLO
a note overprinted for use in Hermosillo in 1903 and revalidated in Chihuahua on 3 March 1908

Banco Minero 100 D 1198
a note revalidated In Gómez Palacio on 30 March 1908 and again in Chihuahua on 28 April 1908

Banco Minero 100 C 0691
a note revalidated in an unidentified branch on 16 July 1908

The bank kept the record of which notes were restamped, and on which date, in a book now in the Archivo General de la NaciónAGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 776, libro 1411 though it contains errors as the serial letters had been used twice, and many of these notes will subsequently have been incinerated. However, known survivors are:

Series original date revalidated
A 1888 3 March 1908
25 May 1908
1 July 1908CNBanxico #15095
B 1897 1 July 1908
D 11 November 1899 / 1899 GOMEZ PALACIO 30 March 1908 / 28 March 1908
31 March 1908
F 1902 21 September 1908
G 1902 8 April 1908CNBanxico #15120
K 1902 20 March 1908CNBanxico #15137
N 1902 GOMEZ PALACIO 30 March 1908 /[     ] 1908CNBanxico #9977
O 1902 [ ] March 1908CNBanxico #15153
Q 1902 GOMEZ PALACIO 11 May 1908CNBanxico #15161
R 17 February 1903 /1902 16 March 1908CNBanxico #15165
W 20 October 1908CNBanxico #15227
C3 3 March 1903 / 1903 3 March 1908
G7 3 March 1903 / 1903 3 March 1908
12 June 1908
A 20 February 1907 / 1903 17 March 1908
9 May 1908
13 June 1908CNBanxico #15083
B 9 May 1908CNBanxico #15087
GOMEZ PALACIO 3 June 1908CNBanxico #15088
26 October 1908CNBanxico #15089
C 26 August 1907 / 1907 / 1903 16 May 1908CNBanxico #15093/footnote}
19 June 1908CNBanxico #15094/footnote}
SUC. DEL BANCO MINERO 16 July 1908CNBanxico #9976
GOMEZ PALACIO 7 October 1908CNBanxico #15092


Soon after the robbery the bank wrote to the American Bank Note Company saying it was considering changing the design of the $100 note and asking them to prepare a new designABNC, letter, 21 March 1908. The ABNC sent the models on 4 April and on 18 April the bank was asking how soon the company could produce 10,000 new notesABNC. However, when most of the money was recovered, the bank decided not to change the design, and asked the ABNC to hold on to the modelsABNC, Juan A. Creel to ABNC, 7 May 1908.

Minero 100 bromide

Minero 1000 A 00000 bromide reverse