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The revalidados in other states

Estado de México

In April 1915 the sábanas were declared legal tender in Toluca, as long as they had been revalidated in accordance with the December decreeRodolfo Alanís Boyza, Historia de la Revolución en el Estado de Mexico, Toluca, 1987.

Nuevo Léon

In Monterrey the new Governor Raul Madero on 25 February 1915 issued decree núm. 3, that the Gobierno Provisional notes had to be revalidated as a prerequisite for being forced circulation and that the revalidation would take place in the Administración Principal de Timbre by means of a red stamp ‘Revalidado por orden del Departamento de Hacienda’ and the signatures of the Administrador and ContadorPeriódico Oficial, 5 March 1915. This put into effect the Convention’s decree of 17 December and so might have been extended to include the sábanas. However, Madero declared the Gobierno Provisional notes invalid on 31 March 1915 so the period for such restamping was very short.

Finally another revalidation possibly subsequent to the 17 December decree was:

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‘Revalidado’ with eagle at centre