One example is known of Monclova notes being used as an advertisement.
El Zaribah
Shriners are members of the Masonic Order. In 1896 a group of Masons was issued a dispensation to form the nucleus of a new Shrine Temple and on 24 June a charter was issued to El Zaribah Shrine Temple in an area identified as the Arizona Territory. During its early years El Zaribah operated out of the Berryhill Building, located near First Street and East Washington, Phoenix but on 22 February 1921 a new Shrine Temple was dedicated. at 15th Avenue and Washington. Vic E. Hanny was the Potentate at that time.
Hanny, whose slogan was "If you don't know Vic Hanny you ought to," ran one of the best known and most popular men's clothing and furnishing stores in Arizona. All his prosperity he attributed to advertising, and “not a week passes that he does not let the people hear something about Vic Hanny, who sells furnishings and clothes for men”.
Another claim to fame was that, as a leading Republican, he was one of President McKinley's party when the President was shot.
This is on a counterfeit $50 note (type 1) numbered 1359930. Hanny also used dos caritas notes.