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Fabrica de Metepec

At the textile mill of Metepec, in Atlixco, Puebla, run by the Compañía Industrial de Atlixco, S.A., script, or vales, were an advance on wages due the following payday. It was negotiable at the company store at its full value if it was traded for merchandise, or at 70 percent or 80 percent of its value if it was exchanged for moneyEl Paladín, “Se pretende probar que no han existido vales de tienda,”, 16 May 1907; El Paladín, “El monopolio y sus víctimas”, 15 October 1908; El Paladín, “El Paladín en Metepec”, 22 November 1908..

The board of directors of the textile mill of Metepec decided to put an end to the company store vales in November 1908, after a series of articles in the newspaper El Paladín condemned their use El Paladín, "Si hay vales. Los directores de la Compañía Industrial de Metepec resuelven quitar los vales", 29 November 1908.