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La Administración General de Rentas del Estado

Bonos al portador such as these were issued by the federal and state governments throughout the history of Mexico, but usually it is a stretch to consider them as paper money. However, some, such as this one, appear in catalogues and there is evidence that this issue circulated among the public.

These were issued by the Administración General de Rentas during Joaquín de la Peña's governorship[text needed].

Rentas 2 00412

Rentas 2 00412 reverse

  from to total
$2 00001       includes numbers 00412 to 00469


These bore the signatures (initials) of Joaquín de la Peña as interim governor and Gonzalo Ramírez Carrillo as interim Secretario General.

Joaquín de la PeñaJoaquín de la Peña Terán was born in San Juan del Río, Querétaro on 2 May 1891. He studied at the Colegio Militar de Chapultepec in Mexico City and joined the army in 1912. He served on the staff of General Rubio Navarrete and then joined the División del Norte. At the beginning of 1915, when the Villistas dominated Querétaro, as a teniente coronel he was named Comandante Militar of the state. He fought against Obregón forces but was defeated by Fortunato Maycotte in San Juan del Río. Subsequently, he surrendered to the government and was recognized as a brigadier general.

He was interim governor for eight months, from 15 December 1923 to 25 August 1924, having deposed Francisco Ramírez Luque who was accused of supporting de la Huerta. His governorship was a financial disaster with poor receipts, and delays in paying public employees and redistributing land. This led to him being forced to resign.

He retired from the army and political life in 1935 and died on 12 July 1959.

Gonzalo Ramírez Carrillo  


On 24 February 1924 Joaquín de la Peña issued an announcement that for fifteen days these bonos would be accepted in payment of any outstanding taxes. It was hoped that merchants or businessmen with taxes to pay would accept these bonos and so they can be seen as negotiable.