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Printing details for the Banco Comercial

The American Bank Note Company produced its first notes on an original order of 18 March 1890The following plates were made
One 25c face and back plate (each of 12 notes) and one 25c tint plate.
One 50c face and back plate (each of 12 notes) and one 50c tint plate (No. 2).
One $1 face and back plate (each of 10 notes) and two $1 tint plates (No. 1 and 2).
One $5 face and back plate (each of 4 notes) and two $1 tint plates (No. 1 and 2).
One $10 face and back plate (each of 2 notes) and two $1 tint plates (No. 1 and 2).
One $20 face and back plate (each of 2 notes) and two $1 tint plates (No. 1 and 2).
One $50 face and back plate (each of 1 note) and two $1 tint plates (No. 1 and 2).
One $100 face and back plate (each of 1 note) and two $1 tint plates (No. 1 and 2).
One $500 face plate, one centre back plate and one border back plate (each of 1 note) and two $500 tint plates (No. 1 and 2). (ABNC, folder 1525, Banco Comercial de Chihuahua (1931-1932))
.  The ABNC engraved a special vignette portrait of Miguel Hidalgo (C 172) which appears on the face of all denominations. It also produced an allegory of Commerce (the god Mercury sitting on a cashbox and flanked by Mexican motifs and the Cathedral in Chihuahua) for the reverse of the higher denominations from $5 up.

7206b Cherub
In addition, the 25c has a vignette of one of Rafael’s putti from his Madonna in the Sistine Chapel on the reverse.

133 miner
The 50c has a train on the face and a miner on the reverse.

155 Cow and calf
The $1 has a vignette of a cow with her calf on the face and a vignette of a muleteer with a string of pack mules on the reverse. The latter came from the National Bank Note Company’s stock of vignettes and had previously been used on the $1 Banco de Chihuahua.

The $5 has a vignette of a young Mercury with a caduceus astride an unhappy-looking dolphin in front of shipping on the face and Mercury on the reverse.

The $10 has a group of miners on the face, and Mercury on the reverse.

The $20 has a pastoral scene with a flock of sheep and a vignette of an Indian woman on the face, and Mercury on the reverse.

The $50 has a vignette of Christopher Columbus, which is the subject of this article by Peter Dunham.

Ten Canyon Palisades

The $100 has two additional vignettes on the face. The vignette of a locomotive was from the stock of the National Banknote Company and was entitled "10 Mile Canyon Palisades - Central Pacific Railroad", later numbered V-49282. The other vignette is of a miner(?) looking down on a train.

555b the Protector of Cherubs

The $500 is particularly infelicitous with Liberty holding a shield on the left, and a woman and child, the "Protector of Cherubs", in the centre.

Banco Comercial 25c A 00000

Banco Comercial 25c A 00000 reverse

Banco Comercial 50c A 00000

Banco Comercial 50c A 00000 reverse

Banco Comercial 1 A 0000

Banco Comercial 50 A 00000

Banco Comercial 100 A 00000

Banco Comercial 100 A 00000 reverse

Banco Comercial 500 A 00000

Banco Comercial 500 A 00000 reverse

Date Value Number Series from to
March 1890 25c 80,000
A 1  80000
50c 60,000
A 1 60000
$1 50,000
A 1 50000
$5 20,000 A 1 20000
$10 15,000 A 1 15000
$20 7,500  A 1 7500
$50 4,000 A 1 4000
$100 2,000  A 1 2000
$500 400  A 1 400


Date Value Number Series from to
September 1891 $1 50,000
A 50001 100000


In October 1897 the series was changed to B, dateline was altered to read "Chihuahua, ______1898", and "en Moneda de Plata del cuño Mexicano"  was changed to "a la par en efectivo". All the signatures were erased and "Director" changed to "Gerente". As the government had just allowed facsimile signatures on low value notes (circular núm. 3) Enrique Creel and José M. Falomir's signatures were engraved on the $5 plate.

In November 1897 the ABNC made a new $5 face plate (of 4 notes).

Banco Comercial 5 D 00000

Banco Comercial 10 B 00000

Banco Comercial 10 B 00000 reverse

Banco Comercial 20 B 00000

Banco Comercial 100 B 00000

Date Value Number Series from to
October 1897 $5 60,000
 B  1 20000
C 1 20000
D 1 20000
$10 5,000
B 1 5000
$20 5,000 B 1  5000
$50 1,000 B 1 1000
$100 1,000
B 1 1000


In March 1899 the date and series letter were changed to 1899 and C.

Banco Comercial 50 C 00000

Banco Comercial 50 C 00000 reverse

Banco Comercial 100 C 00000

Date Value Number Series from to
March 1899 $10 5,000
C 1 5000
$20 5,000
C 1 5000
$50 1,000 C 1 1000
$100 1,000 C  1 1000


The American Bank Note Company archives produce additional facts. Amongst the specimens there were two different background colours for the 1889 $1 noteThe 1890 specimen has [ ], the July 1890 specimen has a diffused pink background whilst the September 1891 specimen has a lighter background, an 1898 $5 Series D (approved in January 1898 and so not printed) and an 1898 $50 Series C.

On 27 October 1931 Roberto Casas Alastriste, of the Comité liquidador de los Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, gave the American Bank Note Company permission to cancel the plates and these were cancelled on 18 February 1932ABNC, folder 1525, Banco Comercial de Chihuahua (1931-1932).