Counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista notes
On 15 June 1915 Luis Pruneda, the Inspector at the government printing works, reported that they knew of one type of counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista notesCEHM, Fondo XX1, carpeta 43, legajo 4641.
Counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista Type 1
Instructions from the Jefatura de Hacienda in Coahuila in October 1915ACOAH, Fondo Siglo XX, 1914, caja 8, folleto 4, exp. 13 list the following:
Shading of vertical lines below the right wing |
Smooth signature (firma lisa) | |
to which we can add, from an examination of notes,
printed on thicker paper | |
and a notice of September 1915 lists this characteristic of this counterfeit $20 note.
Possible counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista Type 2
One notice, also issued in Nuevo León in June 1915, list various features of counterfeit notes and refers, in one section, to $20 notes, though most of these features relate to counterfeit $5 Type 6.
background colour is strong | background colour is ordinary |
the centre vignette has perfect chiaroscuro | less chiaroscuro, mountains appear to have more snow, reflection of snow on water is coarser |
La viñeta con que se adornan los billetes buenos es subida en su color negro; los números cinco y veinte no son claros. tienen unos adornos interiores en color negro | these details are weak |
'que la Tesorería ... pagará de acuerdo’ | 'que la Tesorería ... pagará de acuerdi’ |
Secretaría seal is perfectly legible | Secretaría seal is illegible |
serial numbers are an intense red | numbers are a less intense red |
Counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista Type 3
A notice published in Baja California in 1915ABCS, Gobernación, vol. 642, exp. 150 lists the following two characteristics:
No monogram | |
The design of the vignette is perfectly clear and detailed | Appears smudged |