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Counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista notes

On 15 June 1915 Luis Pruneda, the Inspector at the government printing works, reported that they knew of one type of counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista notesCEHM, Fondo XX1, carpeta 43, legajo 4641.

Counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista Type 1

Ejercito 20 D 98629

Ejercito 20 D 98629 reverse

Instructions from the Jefatura de Hacienda in Coahuila in October 1915ACOAH, Fondo Siglo XX, 1914, caja 8, folleto 4, exp. 13 list the following:




Shading of vertical lines below the right wing

  Smooth signature (firma lisa)



No accent in ‘México’ in the Secretaría seal


to which we can add, from an examination of notes,

  printed on thicker paper



more snow on righthand mountain


on reverse, points of stars above 'VEINTE' stop before reaching edge


on reverse, points of stars above 'VEINTE' reach to edge


and a notice of September 1915 lists this characteristic of this counterfeit $20 note.



On the reverse, below the '20' on either side, as a watermark, 'FFV'




Possible counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista Type 2

One notice, also issued in Nuevo León in June 1915, list various features of counterfeit notes and refers, in one section, to $20 notes, though most of these features relate to counterfeit $5 Type 6.

background colour is strong background colour is ordinary
the centre vignette has perfect chiaroscuro less chiaroscuro, mountains appear to have more snow, reflection of snow on water is coarser
La viñeta con que se adornan los billetes buenos es subida en su color negro; los números cinco y veinte no son claros. tienen unos adornos interiores en color negro these details are weak
'que la Tesorería ... pagará de acuerdo’ 'que la Tesorería ... pagará de acuerdi’
Secretaría seal is perfectly legible Secretaría seal is illegible
serial numbers are an intense red numbers are a less intense red


Counterfeit $20 Ejército Constitucionalista Type 3

A notice published in Baja California in 1915ABCS, Gobernación, vol. 642, exp. 150 lists the following two characteristics:

  No monogram
The design of the vignette is perfectly clear and detailed Appears smudged