Distritos (Salamanca - San Miguel de Allende)
Plaza Principal, Salamanca, with Palacio Municipal on right
We know of four values (a green 5c[image needed], 10c, 20c and 50c) but there must also have been either a 1c or 2c (or both).
These were issued in August 1915. On 14 August the Presidente Municipal of Salamanca, Herminio Pococa, told the Presidente Municipal of nearby Pueblonuevo that he had decided that the fichas issued by the Tesorería Municipal should be of forced circulationASalamanca, Sección Gobierno, Serie Correspondencia 1914-1915, caja 166. On 29 September Teniente Coronel José Guido, Inspector de las Presidencias Municipales del Estado, made an inspection of the Tesorería Municipal and examined its books. The then Tesorero Municipal reported that the funds guaranteeing the issue were held by Lorenzo N. Castorela, the ex-Receptor de Rentas, who had also been the Tesorero Municipal at the time of issueASalamanca, Sección Tesorería, Serie Circulares, caja 545).
On 26 December 1916, in listing the various currencies he held the Tesorero Municipal recorded that he has $70.07 in cartones de este Municipio, valued on a par with infalsificablesASalamanca, Sección Gobierno, Serie Correspondencia 1915-1916, caja 167.
Palacio Municipal, Salvatierra
During the Revolution small denomination coinage disappeared, causing great difficulty for people to buy goods and make change. By late 1914 matters had become so bad that Salvatierra was authorized by the Governor of the state, General Pablo M. de la Garza, to issue its own paper currency, or cartones.
According to a noteASalvatierra, Municipal, caja 1915 of Tesorero Municipal Tiburcio Lira the total issued was $2,873.87 and by 7 December 1915 $1,913.62 had been withdrawn from circulation, leaving $960.25 still in circulation. However, a later reportASalvatierra, Municipal, caja 1915 by his successor as Tesorero Municipal, Miguel Ortiz, states that the issue was composed thus:
date on note | from | to | total number |
total value |
1c | 14,475 | 144.75 | ||||
2c | 9,974 | 199.48 | ||||
3c | 5,461 | 163,83 | ||||
5c | 12 December 1914 | 34,874 | 1,743.70 | includes number 02854 | ||
10c | 10 [ ] 1914 | 9,782 | 978.20 | includes number 00038 | ||
12 December 1914 | includes number 02688 | |||||
$3,229.96 |
The issue was supposedly guaranteed by documents held in the Tesorería Municipal. These were probably drafts from José Villa, in charge of the Hacienda de San José del Carmen, and the owners of the Maravatío and San Nicolás haciendas, who received the notes.
The notes were printed and numbered by the Tipografia Mariana, then located at calle Hidalgo número 88, under the supervision of José Nieto Morales.
Of the five denominations we have examples of just two, the five and ten centavos. They are printed on pasteboard, measure 54mm by 29mm and carry the legend “LA TESORERIA Municipal del Distrito de Salvatierra PAGARA A LA VISTA AL PORTADOR” on the face and the national emblem, date “Dbre 12 de 1914” and the fact that they are “Valido para todo el Distrito” on the reverse.
San Diego de la Unión
San Diego de la Unión is 100 kilometres northeast of the state capital.
The municipio issued a 20c and 50c note[images needed], probably printed by the local Imprenta S. Tristan.
San Luis de la Paz
San Luis de la Paz, and its surrounding municipality of the same name, is a city located in the northeastern part of the state
We know of various notes, which could be from various different series.
Series 1
These notes have their denomination in Arabic numerals at the top and Roman numerals at the bottom, and are numbered progressively.
from | to | total number |
total value |
1c | includes number 28109 | ||||
2c | includes number 7095 | ||||
5c | includes number 7975 | ||||
10c | includes number 1542 |
Dick Long in his November 1974 auction had a 1c, number 28109, black on cream 31x49mm with one punch cancel[image needed] and a 5c, number 7975, black on cream 35x48mm, dated 4-[ ]0-15, with five punch cancels[image needed].
Series 2
These have a different layout and are unnumbered(?).
This example has the datestamp 7 August 1915 on the reverse.
This 20c note was printed by the Imprenta S. Tristan, in San Diego de la Unión, about 50 kilometres from San Luis de la Paz.
San Miguel de Allende
series | from | to | total number |
total value |
50c | A | 1 | includes number 1 |
The Tesoreria Municipal issued temporary notes, in the names of Presidente Municipal Cayetano Zamora and Jefe de Armas, Capitán 1o Pedro. A. Segura, backed by a deposit and of forced circulation within San Miguel de Allende.
Cayetano Zamora | |
Pedro. A. Segura |
A 50 centavo note is knowninformation and images from Alejandro of Monedas y Medallas de Palma (www.monedasymedallasdepalma.com), a family owned shop in Mexico City.