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$2 (American Book & Printing Company)

Minero 2 M13 123199

Minero 2 M13 123199 reverse

On 19 November 1913 Huerta authorised banks to issue notes in $1 and $2 denominations.

On 10 January 1914 the Banco Minero asked the American Bank Note company for a price for 100,000 $2 notes (among other denominations). On 13 January the ABNC replied, stating that as the $2 would be a new issue, it would take time to do the engraving and prepare the necessary plates so the next day the bank told them to go ahead with the rest of the order but not the two pesos noteABNC, folder 155, Banco Minero (1913-1914).

They therefore went to the American Book and Printing Company, in Mexico City.

Book DateOther dateSeriesfromtoDate on dateSig1
18 Mar 1914 3 Feb 19141;
7 Feb 19142
A1 1 10000 7 February 1914 Falomir J.A.Creel Cuellar 340
B2 10001 20000 674
C3 20001 30000 418
D4 30001 40000 523
E5 40001 50000 912
F6 50001 60000 168
G7 60001 70000 367 (same as R18)
H8 70001 80000 146 (same as K60)
I9 80001 90000 471
J10 90001 100000 598
K11 100001 110000  
L12 110001 115000 357
23 Mar 1914 L12 115001 120000 7 February 1914 Falomir J.A.Creel Cuellar  
M13 120001 130000 269
N14 130001 135000 723
25 Mar 1914 P16 155001 160000 7 February 1914 Falomir J.A.Creel Cuellar 954
Q17 160001 170000 849
R18 170001 180000 367 (same as G7)
S19 180001 190000 920
T20 190001 200000  
30 Mar 1914 N14 135001 145000  
13 April 1914 O15 145001 155000 123 (same as T69)
25 May 1914 21 April 19143 A50 200001 210000 29 April 1914 Falomir J.A.Creel Casa Madrid 964
B51 210001 220000 213
C52 220001 230000 187 (same as P65)
D53 230001 240000 842
E54 240001 250000 396
F55 250001 260000 531
G56 260001 270000  
H57 270001 280000 468
I58 280001 290000 859
J59 290001 300000 727
K60 300001 310000 146 (same as H8)
L61 310001 320000  
M62 320001 330000 478
N63 330001 340000 591
O64 340001 350000  
29 May 1914 4 May 19144 P65 350001 360000 4 May 1914 Falomir J.A.Creel Casa Madrid 187 (same as C52)
Q66 360001 370000  
R67 370001 380000  
S68 380001 390000 579
T69 390001 400000 123 (same as O15)
A100 400001 410000 841
B101 410001 420000 519
C102 420001 430000 382
D103 430001 440000 869
E104 440001 450000 275
6 June 1914 F105 450001 460000 149
G106 460001 470000 256
H107 470001 480000 638
I108 480001 490000 413
J109 490001 500000 368
K110 500001 510000 295
L111 510001 520000 694
M112 520001 530000 951
N113 530001 540000  
O114 540001 550000  
P115 550001 560000 548
10 June 1914 Q116 560001 570000  
R117 570001 580000  
S118 580001 590000 321
T119 590001 600000 989
7 May 19145 E204 640001 650000 9 May 1914 Falomir J.A.Creel Casa Madrid 342
F205 650001 660000 431
G206 660001 670000 613
H207 670001 680000  
1208 680001 690000 982
J209 690001 700000 914
26 June 1914 A200 600001 610000 165
B201 610001 620000 574
C202 620001 630000 296
D203 630001 640000 857

Other date:
1. date of letter requesting authorisationCEHM, Fondo Creel, 85, 21987
2. date authorisedCEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23578
3. date authorised by Secretaria de Hacienda, CEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23560
4. date of letter requesting authorisationCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22004
5. date of letter requesting authorisationCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22019


 As with other locally produced banknotes these $2 notes were counterfeited.

Minero 2 A200 604714

Minero 2 A200 604714 reverse